Saturday, February 16, 2013


When I first heard of blogs, I thought of them as online journals that lonely people used to unleash all of their innermost feelings and hurl them into cyberspace, hoping to get noticed and appreciated. However, this past year I have discovered the power that blogs can have in reaching and influencing large numbers of people. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Pinterest have also aided in the spread of ideas, and through these medium, blogs can be shared and quickly go viral. Blogs unite common voices, without the limitations of need for close physical proximity.

I just want to share a few of the blogs that I have found to be particularly inspiring, have made me think, or have given me that "aha!" moment.  

Drops of Awesome:

Club Unicorn: In which I come out of the closet on our ten year anniversary:

My Dirty Little Secret:

Simplfy-Idea 1-Dejunking:

I'm sure that there are more where that came from. In short, blogs have the amazing ability to bring people together, who, without the technology we have, would probably never have been able to share ideas otherwise.


  1. Why is it that some people just have the gift? Why does reading about someone else's thoughts bring us comfort or satisfaction? Is it the comparison? Is it that we have felt those same things and haven't been able to put our finger on it? Is if that we care about the person we are reading about and now understand who they are a little better? Hmm....

  2. I love this! I am always looking for more blogs.

    Also, it is so true. A blog is an amazing way to get your opinion out into the world.
