Saturday, January 19, 2013

I Love Abe.

"Do you think we choose the times into which we are born? Or do we fit the times we are born into?"
Last night I went to see Lincoln. Being Canadian, I feel like I don't know as many nitty gritty details about American history. But I loved American Heritage, and I loved this movie! If you're looking for action-packed, you won't get it, but despite all the debates and politics, there's a lot of wit that pleasantly surprised me. And I know, this is Hollywood depiction of Abraham Lincoln, but I found myself really liking him. His reedy voice and quiet, kindly demeanor that compels everyone to stop and listen. His ability to listen and not jump to conclusions. It reminded me of Amazing Grace, if you've ever seen that. Awesome film as well :)

1 comment:

  1. Okay so I LOVED THIS MOVIE. Did you know they still called Daniel Day-Lewis 'Mr. President' off the set? He seriously embodies every role he takes. I think he did AWESOME in showing strength and quiet leadership, but also vulnerability. Such a moving movie.
